Unmasking the Hidden Needs of Remote Employees: Scott De Long’s Employee Development Plan

As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent in today’s workforce, organizations must understand the hidden needs of their remote employees. Remote work offers flexibility and freedom but presents unique challenges that can impact employee development and well-being. Scott De Long Ph. D., an experienced educator, and lifelong learner, has developed an employee development plan that addresses these hidden needs. With a focus on humility, empathy, and vulnerability, De Long’s plan aims to create meaningful relationships and stronger teams in remote work environments.

  • The Importance of Remote Employee Development

Statistics show that remote work has been on the rise, with 74% of organizations planning to permanently shift to more remote work post-pandemic. While remote work offers benefits such as increased productivity and work-life balance, it also presents communication, collaboration, and employee engagement challenges. Therefore, investing in remote employee development is essential for organizations to thrive in the evolving work landscape.

  • Scott De Long’s Educational Background

Scott De Long, who has been an adjunct professor at Chapman University, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his employee development plan. With a master’s degree in Leadership Development as well as a doctorate in Education with an emphasis in Leadership Studies, De Long understands the importance of continuous learning and growth.

  • The Key Principles: Humility, Empathy, and Vulnerability

Dr. De Long’s employee development plan revolves around three guiding principles: humility, empathy, and vulnerability. These principles encourage leaders and employees to redefine success beyond material achievements and prioritize meaningful relationships. By embracing emotional intelligence and team development, organizations can foster a culture of respect, trust, and collaboration in remote work environments.

  • Lead2Goals: Coaching, Counseling, and Training for Growth-Oriented Organizations: 

De Long’s Lead2Goals organization specializes in coaching, counseling, and training for growth-oriented organizations. They offer various services, including developing corporate culture, effective communication strategies, team building, leadership training, and strategic planning. Lead2Goals believes in the holistic development of individuals and emphasizes the importance of developing people alongside improving processes.

  • Off-Site Retreats for Effective Strategic Planning: 

Lead2Goals encourages organizations to invest in off-site company retreats for strategic planning purposes. These retreats allow teams to break their daily routine and focus solely on strategic initiatives. Organizations can develop robust strategic plans that align with their vision, mission, and core values by creating a conducive environment for brainstorming and collaboration.

  • Leadership Development Programs: 

Lead2Goals offers executive coaching and training programs to help leaders develop their skills and enhance their leadership styles. Their Circle of Trust process emphasizes building relationships and understanding objectives. Whether through one-on-one coaching or group sessions, Lead2Goals helps leaders become more effective and inspiring.

Conclusion: In the ever-evolving landscape of remote work, understanding the hidden needs of employees is crucial for organizational success. Scott De Long’s employee development plan, focusing on humility, empathy, and vulnerability, offers a path toward creating meaningful relationships and stronger teams in remote work environments. By investing in employee development and embracing the principles outlined in De Long’s plan, organizations can thrive in the new era of work. Lead2Goals stands ready to assist organizations in realizing their goals and unlocking their full potential through thoughtful implementation of their mission, vision, and core values.


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Link building. It’s time-consuming, often confusing, and sometimes downright tedious. Plenty of even the most “expert” bloggers just wish that it wasn’t necessary – that the search engines would start paying less attention to who is linking to a blog. But that is not going to happen in the foreseeable future.

Links are still the easiest way for a search engine bot to determine the importance and trustworthiness of any site on the web. Content quality has become far more important than it was perhaps before the coming of the great Google Panda back in 2011, but links are still an important ranking factor, whatever your blog’s niche, with everything from a car wash POS site to a blog about cats and bunny rabbits needing good links to help build the traffic it needs to survive.

Bad link-building techniques can kill your website’s reputation with search engines very quickly. Some bad link-building is a result of a person’s lack of knowledge, while some are downright black hat and very naughty. Here are five ways you should never try to build links – or let someone build them for you.

  • Submitting your URL to hundreds of directories, both free and paid, these days is a great way to attract some really rotten links. These directories themselves have very poor rankings, as the majority of them are filled with spam now (sad but true, as they were once decent resources). This is a great way to devalue your site in the eyes of search engines because you are hanging in a bad neighborhood.
  • Join a bunch of forums and create a forum signature that is crammed with links. Then ask the same question in a dozen different forums. Find yourself banned from every decent on-topic forum because you are a spammer. The admins who run good forums talk to each other, and word about spammers tends to travel fast.
  • Create a couple of Quora accounts. Use one to post a question about where to get the best information about (X) when information about (X) is exactly what your blog offers. Wait a day, go back with another Quora account, and answer your own question with – surprise! – a link back to your own site. And do it all from the same IP address. Wait another day and then go back and find your accounts suspended and your links removed.
  • When blog commenting, do nothing but plug your site. Add absolutely no value to the conversation. Don’t even bother to read the blog post you are commenting on; just add “nice post, dude” everywhere. And then sign your post with a spammy keyword-stuffed “name,” not your own. Wait a while, and watch as you become the object of hatred of every good blogger in your niche. However, on the upside, some of them might even include you in a post – a post about how much they hate spammers.
  • Follow the example of a really big company. Hire an over-ambitious SEO firm to build links for you. Don’t pay any attention to what they are doing; just keep throwing money at them. Suddenly rank for ALL your keywords and even some you had never even thought of. Rejoice. Then cringe in horror as you are exposed to the world by the New York Times for link buying, search engine manipulation, and link farming. Well, maybe you won’t make the New York Times, but it never hurts to dream.